Top 10 things you should not forget when travelling

Travelling is a fun filled activity which not only takes the monotony of daily routine life away but also evolves you in the process and helps in your personal growth as well. Do you have a passion for travelling but often miss out on important items while packing and then later face problems for it? Well, we have made a list of 10 important items that you should never miss out when making your preparations for the travel. When out of your home, your bag must contain your world but at the same time should be light enough to be carried comfortably. So, confused about what to include and what to leave out? Here is the list of those inevitable globe-trotting objects that is a must have in every traveler’s bag:
1.    Credentials:

Do not forget to pack important documents like a valid Passport, Visa, identity proof like the Driving License or Voter’s ID in a separate folder or bag which is well protected and water proof for safety reasons. One should also carry with them other essential documents like tickets, travel insurance, passport size photographs and contact numbers of friends and relatives. Also plan before head the proceedings of your trip and carry an itenary plan with you.  It is better to have a photocopy of your passport so that you do not have to take the original document out every time and run the risk of losing them. These documents are like your lifeline in a foreign land, so keep them very carefully and properly guarded.
2.    Toiletries:

Include a bag of some basic toiletries and essentials like soap, shampoo, deodorant, band aids, mosquito repellants, and water purifying tablets, hand sanitizer, thin towels, and scarves, moisturizing cream, cotton buds, tissues, wet wipes, lip balm, small mirrors and face wash. Pack in a good quality sunscreen with a high SPF to protect from the skin from harsh UV rays of the sun.
3.    Ear plugs:

These are an essential piece of travel must have if you want to have a comfortable and peaceful sleep amidst all the noise and chaos of some countries. You will know their importance once you start on your journey. So, never miss out on this one.

4.    Clothing and accessories:

Take light weighted, comfortable and minimum amount of clothing as much as possible. If you are heading to a cold region, then always remember to pack in woolen socks, gloves, jackets, sweaters and thermal liners. Also do not forget to stack in swimming wear, extra undergarments, extra pair of socks, raincoat, safety pins, caps, T-shirts, gloves, sunglasses and hanker chiefs . It is also necessary to keep a comfortable pair of slippers and walking shoes, as you cannot enjoy your holidays in shoe bites and sore feet.
5.    Sleeping bag:

It is a must have essential item if you are on an adventurous getaway and do not have proper hotel bookings for some trekking days. It is better to get a medium sized sleeping bag than a thunder sized one for easy carrying.

  1.  Electronics and gadgets:

When going out, the most important thing for a traveler is to carry a camera to bring back lovely memories. Remember to also put in camera chargers, extra batteries and extra memory cards as they are a real support in places of limited electricity. However, if important carry only a tablet and avoid heavy laptops if you have to keep in connection with your work. It also helps in storing your photos and reading books, listening to music etc. Thanks to the new age ultra slim tablets, one does not need to carry heavy books and maps in their journey anymore. Another very important item is the worldwide SIM card to remain in contact with friends and family no matter where you go in your quest of adventure.
7.    First aid kit:

You don’t want to fall ill due to climatic changes and thus should always keep handy a small first aid kit comprising of general medicines according to your prescriptions. Also include items like band aids, pain balm, antiseptic creams, aspirin for headaches, cotton, motion sickness pills etc. Electrolytes and Oral Rehydration salts are very useful while travelling and saves one from dehydration problems especially if you are heading to an Asian land and not accustomed to its weather conditions
8.    Money, cash and currency:

This is the most important of all the essentials as money can buy almost anything everywhere. Take the local currency of the place you are travelling to, because all the places might not have access to credit card facilities or ATMs. Keep sufficient amount of money so that you are not left stranded during an emergency. Also keep plastic money like debit/ credit card handy.
9.    Torch or flash light:

You might end up in a place with little or no electricity like during trekking or camping. Torches are extremely handy at such times and a great essential too.
10.    Other essential items:

Apart from the above mentioned necessary things to carry in your travel bag, you should also try and accommodate some other items like light packed food or snacks, biscuits, chocolates, alarm clock, luggage lock, sleep sheet, pillow case to stuff with clothes, language guide of the country you are traveling to, pack of cards or other recreational items, etc carry a map too of the local area as you do not wish to get lost in a foreign and unknown land.

Do not load your bag with unnecessary and useless stuff. Be very careful and judicious in picking up the stuff and do the packing wisely because you so not want yourself a burden during your cherished journeys. So, with this information about what to include in the travelling bag list, we have aimed at easing your travel tension so that you can comfortably enjoy your getaway without missing out on any necessary object. Enjoy packing and preparing for the trip and have an awesome journey ahead!

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