A Peru holiday can offer an amazing wealth of experiences. Think Peru will 100% tailor make your Peru holiday for you to suit your budget, interests and timescale. To get you started and give you an idea of what is possible, we thought you might find it useful to see a selection of some of our most popular Peru holidays. Once you have had a chance to look through, give us a call and we can start creating your ultimate trip to Peru.
With the summer seasons beginning in the Andes of Peru a lot of people will be heading on a Peruvian holiday. You may have booked your trip, or you may be thinking about a trip in the future. Johnny, our Peru holiday specialist gives advice on the top 5 things you should pack.
1) Camera (and spare memory cards and batteries)
Holiday snaps are a great way to capture some of the highlights of your time in Peru as well as being a great way of showing off to your friends where you have been! Although the camera is very important, be sure not to forget spare memory cards and batteries! Happy snapping!
2) Comfortable shoes
There is nothing worse than flying across the world to find out that your shoes are rubbing and are uncomfortable. A comfortable pair of shoes for walking around the markets and the cobbled Incan streets will make your exploration a lot more enjoyable. If you buy new shoes for your trip be sure to break them in before you travel.
3) John Hemmingâs-The Conquest of the Incas
For those looking to learn about the history of Peru and how Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire then this is the book for you! A great account of the brutal conquest that will help bring alive some of the places that you will probably visit.
4) Sun cream and sun hat
Most likely you will be spending time outdoors and at high altitudes where the UV rays from the sun are extremely strong. Wear a high factor sun cream and a sun hat that will protect your face and help keep you cool.
5) A fleece
Although it is the summer in the Andes and during the day temperatures average at around 25°C.The mornings and evenings can be as low 5°C. Be sure to have a warm fleece to keep you warm during these cooler times!
5 must know words and phrases whilst in Peru!
Spanish is the first language for 80% of Peruvians. Spending a little time before you visit Peru learning a few words can be great fun as well as very helpful when you are there, and many of the locals will also thank you for your efforts. Johnny, our Peru Holiday expert gives you his top 5 words and phrases you can easily learn before exploring Peru.
(1) GRACIAS – means thank you. Probably the word that you will use the most!
(2) BUEN PROVECHO – means enjoy your meal. A lovely custom in Peru is that when you see someone eating be it a stranger or someone you know you will hear people saying buen provecho as they walk past.
(3) BUENOS DIAS â means good morning, BUENAS TARDES means good afternoon, BUENAS NOCHES means good night. These simple greeting are used throughout the day depending on what time it is.
(4) CUANTO CUESTA? – means how much does it cost? On your holiday in Peru it is likely that you will likely need to ask how much something costs. Johnny also tips that you never accept the first price that you are told and try barter until you have a fair price for what you are buying.
(5) UNO-one, DOS -two, TRES-three, CUATR0-four, CINCO-five, SEIS-six, SIETE- seven, OCHO-eight, NUEVE-nine, DIEZ-ten. Counting to ten can be a great help when bartering and buying things. Once you can count to ten it is easy to follow a pattern and soon you will be counting to 100, and then 200…. etc.